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                                                     WHAT IS ORCHID!!!!
the orchid family contains about 25,000 species and is one of the largest flower families in the world. orchid is very populer flower as well.
generally speaking , orchid flower are blue,yellow,white,orange or red.although they can even be found in black(black orchid flower is found in very rare chance). some flowers also have markings. lives are usually light green, and some flower are highly fragrent.
we all know "orchid" is very rare flower that found in forest.

                                                 SPECIALTY & AREA OF ORCHID!!
orchids originally grow withen the tropical region of the world. in asia, orchids have long since been a prized flower to grow.
* there are more than 100,000 orchid hybrids and cultivated varieties.
*orchids needs humidity above 40% and regular watering but they will be damaged by too much water around the root.
*the majority of orchids grow best in bright, indirect light.

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